quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2007

Ai, o dia 21 de Julho nunca mais chega...

"We're seeing Harry in a very interesting situation. Readers will find out exactly what the situation is.

"When I was reading it, I had both the excitement and the power of the book, and the plot, driving me forward. But I was also feeling a little sad. It's the last time."

When Levine admitted he "sobbed and sobbed" while reading Deathly Hallows, he was asked the following:"That means someone we like dies, doesn't it?"

"Well, it means it is a very, very emotional book," he responded.

*suspiro daqueles grandes, daqueles de quem devia estar a estudar para o teste que tem amanhã, mas em vez disso está a postar coisas no blog... *

parafina falsificada

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Eu espero bem que o livro seja mesmo muito emocional, e que não fiquemos desapontadas com o final. I really hope that...

ps: gosto mais da versão adultos inglesa.